Installed capacity

Information based on provisional data from January, 2024

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The rest of renewables, with very diverse origins, but headed by biomass, represented 1.0 % of installed capacity in Spain by the end of 2023

This section contains aggregated information on a group of renewable technologies of very diverse origin, which together represent 1.7 % of renewable capacity and 1.0 % of total installed capacity in Spain at the end of 2023. Four blocks can be distinguished: biomass and biogas (1,089 MW), renewable waste identified as 50 % of solid urban waste (170 MW), hydro-wind, which is the power station installed on the island of El Hierro (11 MW), and marine hydro (5 MW).

It should be noted that the changes in this energy mix has been constant since 2004, rising from 491 MW of power to 1,276 MW in 2023, although there was practically no increase in 2022 and 2023.

Annual evolution of the installed power capacity of other renewables

Includes biogas, biomass, geothermal, marine hydro, wind-hydro, and renewable waste.
Source: National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC) until 2014. Data for the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands available since 2006, and Melilla since 2007.

By autonomous community, Andalusia with 451 MW is clearly the region with the most installed capacity, accounting for 35 % of all installed capacity in this group of renewables. It is followed by Castile-La Mancha, with 110 MW, and Castile and Leon, with 101 MW.

Installed power capacity of other renewables at December 31, 2023. National electricity system by autonomous communities

Includes biogas, biomass, geothermal, marine hydro, wind-hydro, and renewable waste.

Installed power capacity of other renewables by fuel type at December 31, 2023

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