Evolution of the demand

Information based on provisional data as of January 2024

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The demand for electricity in Spain in 2023 showed a decrease of 2.3 % compared to the previous year, reaching a total of 244,665 GWh.

The final months of 2022 were conditioned by the war in Ukraine, high inflation and austerity measures, which resulted in a downward trend in demand. The Spanish economy started the year showing great resilience; however, it started to slow down in the third quarter, while the decline in demand was contained, and even improved, over the end of the year. The international setting for economic activity remains complex, as the number of armed conflicts continues to increase. The conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East has spread to Yemen, with the consequent restrictions on the passage of goods through the Suez Canal, which could lead to an increase in transport costs and a delay in deliveries of all types of goods, which may again put a strain on the economy.

In this context, in 2023, the fall in demand was contained, even showing signs of increasing in recent months. Over the course of 2023, electricity demand in Spain decreased by 2.3 % compared to the previous year, with a total demand of 244,665 GWh, the lowest value in the period (which began in 2007).

Demand in the mainland electricity system, which represents approximately 94 % of total Spanish demand, was 2.5 % lower than the previous year, with a total of 229,527 GWh demanded. To find lower demand levels than the current one, we would have to go back to 2003 (225,728 GWh).

Changes in domestic demand over the last 10 years

Annual changes in electrical energy balance


Allocation of generation units based on primary fuel. The net production of non-renewable and non-Hydro Management Unit (HMU) facilities is net of their own consumption. In these types of production, negative generation indicates that the electricity consumed for the power station’s uses exceeds its gross production.
Other renewables: Include biogas, biomass, marine hydro, and geothermal.
Pumped storage: Pure pumped storage + an estimate of mixed pumped storage.
Combined cycle: Includes operation in open-cycle mode.
Peninsula-Balearic Islands link: Positive value: energy input into the system; negative value: energy output from the system.
International exchange balance: Positive value: importer balance; negative value: exporter balance. Increment values are not calculated when exchange balances have different signs.

Evolution of the electricity demand coverage

Electricity demand coverage in 2023


Pumped storage: Pure pumped storage + estimate of mixed pumped storage.

Monthly evolution of demand at power station busbars

Monthly evolution of the electrical energy balance


Allocation of generation units based on primary fuel. The net production of non-renewable and non-Hydro Management Unit (HMU) facilities is net of their own consumption. In these types of production, negative generation indicates that the electricity consumed for the power station’s uses exceeds its gross production.
Other renewables: Include biogas, biomass, marine hydro, and geothermal.
Pumped storage: Pure pumped storage + estimate of mixed pumped storage.
Combined cycle: Includes operation in open-cycle mode.
Peninsula-Balearic Islands link: Positive value: energy input into the system; negative value: energy output from the system.
International exchange balance: Positive value: importer balance; negative value: exporter balance.

Generalised decline in all autonomous communities except the Canary Islands and Melilla.

In terms of the mainland, all the autonomous communities have lower demand compared to the previous year; six of them (Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia and the Basque Country) show a smaller decrease than the national average (-1.3 %, 1.5 %, -1.8 %, -1.5 %, -2.0 % and -1.7 %, respectively). The decrease in the Valencian Community is close to the mainland average (-2.5 %) and Castile-Leon recorded a slightly higher decrease (-2.8 %). The remaining Autonomous Communities have registered decreases of more than 4 %. The fall in Navarre (-7.5 %), Asturias (6.2 %) and Galicia (5.8 %) is particularly noteworthy. It should be taken into account that the high prices that prevailed over the year prompted the adoption of efficiency measures and the promotion of self-consumption, which has led to a drop in demand in almost all the autonomous communities.

Demand at power station busbars by autonomous communities


The Balearic Islands, after showing a significant increase in 2022, ended this year with a slight decrease in demand of 0.7 %. The Canary Islands, although still registering slightly lower demand than in 2019, continue to show positive variations thanks to the lifting of restrictions on international tourism, finishing the year with a 2.5 % increase. Melilla recorded an increase of 2.8 %, yet it still does not achieve the demand levels of 2021.

National electrical energy balance by autonomous communities


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