Balancing markets
Information based on provisional data as of January 2024
The balancing markets (secondary control, tertiary regulation, replacement reserve, and secondary control reserve avoided via the European platform for International Grid Control Cooperation, IGCC) have had total energy needs of 13,530 GWh. Of this total, 49.8 % corresponded to upward energy management and the remaining 50.2 % to downward energy management.
The largest energy needs were covered by secondary and tertiary regulation. It is worth highlighting the significant share of renewable generation in these services.
Evolution of energy requirements covered through energy balancing
In 2023, almost all the activation of the tertiary control service was scheduled (99.3 %), which is why aggregate data for both activations are included in this report for all the data corresponding to tertiary control allocations.
Balancing prices in €/MWh
Tertiary control. Breakdown by technology. Annual total
Replacement reserves. Breakdown of allocations by technology. Annual total
Electricity markets
Energy and prices scheduled for security reasons
Electricity markets
Voluntary price for small consumers (VPSC)