International comparison

Information based on provisional data from January, 2024

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In terms of wind capacity, Sweden is the country with the highest percentage of installed wind capacity, pending the 2023 figures for Denmark, which would be expected to remain in first place, with 40.9 % installed capacity in 2022. Spain, with a percentage of 25.8 %, stands above the average of ENTSO-E member countries, which on 31 December 2023 was 20.2 %. In terms of MW of installed capacity, Spain occupies second place, only after Germany.

As for the contribution of this source in relation to total generation, Denmark is in first place, with 59.4 % of its production coming from wind, while Spain is in eighth place. In terms of GWh generated, Spain is in second place, after Germany.

Wind power capacity over total capacity in ENTSO-E member states at December 31, 2023

Source: data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 24/1/2024. These data are based on the criteria of Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, encompassing units with an installed power capacity equal to or greater than 1 MW, and therefore differ from the data used for the specific case of Spain at the national level, which consider the total installed power capacity.

Wind power generation over total generation in ENTSO-E member states in 2023

Source: data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 24/1/2024. These data are based on the criteria of Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, come from real-time systems, and therefore differ from the consolidated data used for the specific case of Spain at the national level, whose origin is the measurement system.

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