Scheduled cross-border electricity exchanges

Information based on provisional data as of January 2024

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The electricity exchange programmes between Spain and other countries reached the second highest exporter balance in 2023, after the all-time high recorded in 2022.

The total volume of energy scheduled through interconnections reached 37,896 GWh, a value 2.4 % higher than in 2022. A total of 25,917 GWh were scheduled for export, 8.8 % less than the previous year, and 11,979 GWh were scheduled for import, 39.5 % higher than in 2022. The net balance is an exporter balance, with a value of 13,938 GWh, which is 29.8 % lower than the previous year. This is the second highest export value, after the all-time high registered in 2022.

Annual evolution of scheduled international electricity exchanges


In 2023, the monthly net balance of the exchange schedules in the interconnections of the Spanish electricity system as a whole was an exporter balance in all months of the year. The minimum net exporter balance was 348 GWh in October. The maximum net exporter balance for 2023 was recorded in March at 2,623 GWh. The balance with France was an exporter balance for the first five months of the year, as well as in November. In the interconnection with Portugal, the net balance was an exporter balance from February to October and in December. The balance with Andorra and Morocco was an exporter balance every month.

Monthly evolution of international scheduled exchanges in 2023


International scheduled electricity exchanges by interconnection 2023


Intercambios internacionales de energía eléctrica programados por interconexión 2022 (GWh)

International scheduled electricity exchanges by interconnection

GWh - %

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