Voluntary price for small consumers
Information based on provisional data as of January 2024
The VPSC is conditioned by the day-ahead Market price, and since the mechanism that caps the gas price has hardly been used, both prices were coupled again this year.
The price of surplus energy from self-consumption is very similar to that of the day-ahead market.
Evolution of the VPSC (general tariff 2.0TD), Day-ahead market and surplus energy from self-consumption
During 2023, the extension of the 5 % reduced VAT rate and the 0.5 % reduced rate of the Special Electricity Tax remained in place. In 2023, charges were reduced by 5.8 % compared to those in effect since April 2022, and by 58.5 % compared to the initial charges in June, while tolls were increased, except for peak power, compared to the initial tolls in June and those in effect since April 2022.
To monitor the cost of the regulated tariff, a comparison will be made considering a contracted power of 4.6 kW and a consumption of 3,900 kWh/year, with the consumption scenario published on the CNMC website, which has a distribution of 45 % on off-peak hours, 26 % on standard hours and 29 % on peak hours. The cost of the bill for the whole of 2023 would be €775, 44.2 % lower than what would have been paid for the same consumption in 2022, i.e., €613 more per year.
It is the cheapest if prices are considered at current values and, considering the real cost of each year (without updating to 2023 prices), it is the fourth cheapest, after 2016, 2010 and 2020.
Of the €775 that this example customer would have paid for their electricity consumption in 2023, €480 would correspond to the purchase of energy on the market (62 % of the bill), €254 (33 %) to the regulated part of tolls and system charges, and the remaining €41 would correspond to taxes (5 %).
This bill represents a 28.7 % reduction on the initial 2.0TD tariff of June 2021 (taking into account the initial tolls and charges and the taxes applicable at that time).
Evolution of the cost of the electricity bill
Electricity markets
Balancing markets
Electricity markets
Average final price