Ancillary services
Information based on provisional data as of January 2024
The impact of ancillary services on the average final energy price was €10.87/MWh, higher than the €7.33/MWh registered in 2022. A comparison of the share of this service in the final average price shows a considerable increase in this year's price (10.9 % compared to 3.6 % the previous year).
The repercussion of ancillary services is greater in the months with a higher percentage of renewable energy, which means that the energy scheduled for security is higher.
Weight of the impact of ancillary services on the final price
In 2023, the cost of ancillary services was 2,502 million euros, 44.7 % higher than in the previous year.
Cost of ancillary services in €M
The energy needs managed through ancillary services were 50 % higher than in 2022. Energy scheduled for security was 99.4 % higher, due to the increase in energy caused by technical constraints to the PDBF (88.1 %), while real-time technical constraints increased by 126.8 %. The balancing energy used has increased by 15.1 %, mainly as a result of the increase in secondary and tertiary regulation energy, as well as IGCC.
The energy volume due to technical restrictions to the PDBF represents 36.7 % of the total ancillary services, higher than the 29.2 % it represented last year. The total volume of energy scheduled for security purposes amounts to 55 %.
Energy requirements covered by ancillary services
The weighted average prices of the ancillary services of the peninsular system have resulted as follows:
Average weighted prices of ancillary services of the peninsular electricity system
Electricity markets
Intraday market
Electricity markets
Replacement reserves markets