Hydroelectric reserves

Information based on provisional data from January, 2023

Energía del viento
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In terms of hydroelectric reserves, 2022, being a rather dry year, ended with slightly lower reserves than the statistical average. By the end of 2022, the filling percentage of reserves stood at 44.4 %, higher than at the end of 2021 (36.0 %).

Total hydro reserves

Statistical maximum and minimum: average of the maximum and minimum values of the last 20 years.

Reserves remained below historical average levels throughout the year, and only a very rainy end of the year brought the level of reserves closer to the historical average. In September, reserves were very close to the statistical minimum.

Installed hydro power capacity and hydro power reserves at December 31, 2022 by hydrographic zone

Extreme values of peninsular reserves

2022 Valores históricos
GWh Fecha % Fecha %
Máximos Anuales 5.085 10/05/2022 56,7 mayo de 1969 92,0
Hiperanuales 3.298 31/12/2022 34,5 abril de 1979 91,1
Conjunto 8.226 31/12/2022 44,4 abril de 1979 86,6
MínimosAnuales2.73718/10/202230,58 diciembre de 201724,1
Hiperanuales1.97111/10/202220,6noviembre de 198317,6
Conjunto4.72718/10/202225,58 diciembre de 201723,0

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