Comparativa internacional
Information based on provisional data from January, 2023
Spain ranks second in energy generated from solar technology and third in Europe in installed solar power capacity
With regard to solar capacity, Luxembourg is clearly the leading country with the highest percentage of installed solar power capacity, with a value of 48.2 %. Spain, with a share of 16.7 %, occupies ninth place, above the average of the ENTSO-E member countries, which on December 31, 2022 was 15.7 %. In terms of MW of installed power capacity, Spain is in third place, behind Germany and the Netherlands.
As for the contribution of this source with respect to total generation, Luxembourg is in first place, with 22.8 % of its production coming from the sun, with Spain in third place, coming after Greece and ahead of Germany. In terms of GWh generated, Spain is in second place after Germany, and stays among the leaders among Mediterranean countries.