Information based on provisional data from 8 April, 2022The rest of renewables have generated the 2.2% of global electricity generation during the year 2021
In 2021, the electricity generation of the rest of renewables has increased for the third consecutive year and has grown by 7.5% compared to the previous year, reaching a new historical maximum of annual generation of 5,620 GWh. However, its share in the Spanish generation mix is still residual. During the year 2021 it only represented the 2.2% of the total annual generation nationwide.
Annual growth of the generation of other renewables
Share of generation from other renewables in total generation
Concerning the generation of the rest of renewables by autonomous communities, Andalucía is the community that has produced the most electricity in 2021 from said technologies namely 1,615 GWh, which means 28.7% of all the power of the rest of renewables generated in Spain.
In 2021 Madrid has been the Spanish community with the highest proportion of generation of the rest of renewables in its energy mix, which is 18.8%. The electricity generation from renewable waste that has taken place in the País Vasco stands out, representing 37.7% of the national generation of this kind.
One more year, it is important to highlight the specific case of the Gorona del Viento wind-pumped hydro power station, which in 2021 has covered 48% of the annual generation of the island of El Hierro with renewable energy, becoming 100% renewable for 40 days of the year. During the months of May and July, the integration of renewable energy reached 77% and 81%, respectively.
Generation from other renewables in 2021
Generation from other renewables by each region and by type of technology in 2021
The highest monthly generation of the rest of renewables in 2021 was reached in the months of November and December, with the last month of the year recording the historical maximum of monthly electricity generation of 519,791 MWh. In addition, October was the month with the highest share recorded to date for this technology in generation coverage, with a weight of 2.4% of national electricity generation.
Monthly generation of other renewables, maximum and share in total generation
Earth and sea energy
Earth and sea energy
International comparison
Sun energy
Photovoltaic generation
Wind energy