International comparison

Information based on provisional data from 8 April, 2022
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Regarding the percentage of use of the power of the rest of renewables, calculated as the ratio between the generation of the rest of renewables and the power at full load, Croatia is the leading country with a value of 70.5%. Spain is in third position with a utilization percentage of 59.1% and is above the average utilization of the ENTSO-E member countries, which as of December 31, 2021 was 44.4%.

In terms of the contribution of this source compared to total generation, Denmark is in first position with 15.0% of its electricity generation proceeding from the rest of renewables, while Spain occupies the fifteenth position.

Use of power from other renewables in ENTSO-E member countries as at 12.31.2021

Source: Data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 01/26/2022. These data are covered by the criteria of Regulation (EU) No. 543/2013, encompassing units with installed capacity equal to or greater than 1 MW and referring to the power available for System Operation and, therefore, differ from the data used for the case of Spain at a national level that consider the total installed capacity.
The utilization percentage is calculated as the quotient between the generation of the technology and the power at full load.

Generation of other renewables over total generation in the member countries of ENTSO-E in 2021

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