Information based on provisional data from 8 April, 2022Hydroelectric power generation nationwide is 3.4% lower than last year, due to less rainfall, reaching 29,595 GWh. Said generation has contributed the 11.4% of the total national production, which is lower than the 12.2% of previous year
Hydroelectric power generation in Spain is highly variable, reaching over 40,000 GWh in wet years, while in dry years said volume is reduced by more than its half. 2021 was a slightly dry year, with hydroelectric power generation at 29,595 GWh, 3.4% lower than 2020. In such a way, hydraulics contributed the 11.4% to the total production nationwide, occupying the fourth position of generating technologies.
Growth of hydroelectric power generation nationwide
Regarding renewable energy as a whole, hydroelectric power ranked second after wind power with 24.4% of the total renewable energy generated nationwide.
Annual share of hydroelectric power generation in the total generation
Regarding hydroelectric power generation by regions, Castilla y León, Galicia, Catalonia and Aragón are the ones that have recorded the most hydroelectric power generation in 2021.
Hydroelectric power generation nationwide in 2021. National electricity system per Autonomous Regions
Hydroelectric power generation nationwide of each Autonomous Community
Historically, the final months of winter and the early months of spring are the periods with the greatest water contribution, mainly due to thawing but also to more rainfall in those months.
February 2021 was the month in which the most hydroelectric generation was delivered, slightly over 4,528 GWh (21.1% higher than the maximum value of the previous year). February was also the month with the greatest contribution of this technology to overall generation, accounting for the 21.4% of the total generation for that month, followed by January, with 16.4%. Such contribution is the ninth highest since national records are being kept, recording the previous maximum in April 2018 (22.7%). The maximum is still held by February 2014. This year, despite having a slightly lower producible than the previous one, generations are higher than last year, because the health crisis caused a sharp drop in demand during the year 2020.
Monthly hydroelectric power generation nationwide, peaks and share of total generation.
One of the main advantages provided by this technology compared to the rest of renewables is its manageability, which becomes clear when observing the average daily curve of participation of the hydroelectric power over total generation, which shows how the greatest contribution of this technology coincides with the peaks in demand in the morning and in the evening.
Average hourly share of hydroelectric power as a proportion of total generation in 2021
Hydroelectric power generation nationwide by hydrographic basins
Water energy
Installed capacity
Water energy
Hydroelectric reserves
Wind energy
Sun energy
Photovoltaic generation