Installed capacity
Information based on provisional data from 8 April, 2022Wind power, the main renewable source in Spain, is the technology with the highest share in the installed capacity structure nationwide (25%).
Wind power represents the main source of renewable energy generation in Spain, with an installed capacity of 28,336 MW, which has increased by 3.0% during 2021, compared to 2020, which implies 839 MW more installed throughout the whole Spanish territory. As of December 31, 2021, wind power represents a quarter of the national installed capacity, remaining the technology with the greatest share in the structure of installed capacity.
Annual growth of the installed wind power capacity
At the regional level, Castilla y León is still the leader in wind power installed capacity with a total of 6,384 MW, which represents the 22.5% of the total wind power installed capacity nationwide. Aragón is in second position with 4,523 MW, 16.0% of the total, and it is the region that has experienced the greatest increase in its wind power installed capacity in 2021, with 239 MW more than the previous year.
Wind power is already the leading technology in the installed capacity structure of five regions, starting by Castilla y León where it represents 51.1%, Aragón with 44.9%, Navarra with 41.8%, Castilla-La Mancha with 38.6% and in Galicia with 35.5%. Said communities concentrate the 71.1% of all the wind power installed capacity nationwide.
Wind power installed capacity as at 12.31.2021
Geographical distribution of wind power installations nationwide as of 12.31.2021
Share of wind power capacity of each region over the wind power capacity nationwide
Wind energy
International comparison
Wind energy
Earth and sea energy
Installed capacity
Water energy
Installed capacity