The Spanish electricity system
This report provides an overview of the main statistics prepared by Red Eléctrica on the performance of the Spanish electricity system in 2021 and its evolution in recent years.
Information based on provisional data from 8 April, 2022Transmission of electricity
Total length of line circuit in the national grid
44,769 Km
Installed transformer capacity nationwide
Electricity Generation
Electricity Generation in the national system
259,905 GWh
Compared to 2020
Electricity markets
Impact of the day-ahead and intraday market in the composition of the final price of energy
95.3 %
Final energy
Compared to 2020
Scheduled international electricity exchanges
Import balance 2021
1,462 GWh
Compared to 2020
European landscape
Energy from renewable sources, excluding pumped storage hydroelectric generation, continues to increase for another year, and despite the pandemic-related challenges, it has accounted for the 38.7% of the energy produced in the ENTSO-E countries as a whole