
Information based on provisional data as of January 2023

Panorama europeo
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In 2022, in a context of economic recovery after the pandemic and marked by geopolitical instability in Europe, there was a decrease of 3.7 % in electricity demand in the ENTSO-E countries as a whole compared to the previous year. There were generalised decreases in the variation in demand by country; only Portugal and Switzerland recorded increases in demand.

Variation in electricity demand in ENTSO-E member states in 2022/2021


Electricity demand in ENTSO-E member states in 2022/2021

TWh - %

Source: data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 24/1/2023. These data are based on the criteria of Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, come from real-time systems, and therefore differ from the consolidated data used for the specific case of Spain at the national level, whose origin is the measurement system.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, and Macedonia: Data not available.

Coverage of electricity demand in ENTSO-E member states


Source: data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 24/1/2023. These data are based on the criteria of Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, come from real-time systems, and therefore differ from the consolidated data used for the specific case of Spain at the national level, whose origin is the measurement system.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, and Macedonia: Data not available.
Adjustments: This allows for matching the calculated demand with that obtained directly from the Transparency Platform data.

Per capita consumption in ENTSO-E member states

TWh - %

Per capita consumption = Total consumption/nº inhab.
Source: data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform dated 24/1/2023. These data are based on the criteria of Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, come from real-time systems, and therefore differ from the consolidated data used for the specific case of Spain at the national level, whose origin is the measurement system.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, and Macedonia: Data not available.
France: Population data includes overseas territories.

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