Summary european landscape

Information based on provisional data as of January 2023

Panorama europeo
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In 2022, electricity demand fell by 3.7 % in the ENTSO-E countries as a whole with respect to the previous year, coinciding with a period of geopolitical instability in Europe marked by the war in Ukraine.

Europe has made a firm commitment to energy from renewable sources, with the aim of increasing energy independence and achieving long-term decarbonisation of the economy, leading to a share of renewable energy in total electricity generation in all ENTSO-E countries reaching 39.5 % of the energy produced (38.7 % in 2021). The Spanish electricity system stands out for being the second European country with the highest installed renewable power capacity and occupies the same position for wind and solar generation.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish a comparison between the European countries belonging to ENTSO-E in the different aspects of the electricity system. For this purpose, public information available on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform has been used. This information is protected under Regulation (EU) No 543/2013, which establishes common and homogeneous criteria that must be used by all member countries. Therefore, there may be some discrepancies with the rest of the chapters for the specific case of Spain, where consolidated data on measures with national scope are used.

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