Scheduled cross-border electricity exchanges

Information based on provisional data as of January 2023

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The electricity exchange programmes between Spain and other countries ended in 2022 with the highest exporter balance in history.

The total volume of energy scheduled through interconnections reached 37,011 GWh, a value 6.9 % higher than in 2021. A total of 28,426 GWh were scheduled for export, 71.4 % more than the previous year, and 8,585 GWh were scheduled for import, slightly less than half the value for 2021. The net balance is an exporter, something that has not been recorded since 2015, with a value of 19,841 GWh, compared to last year's importer balance of 1,462 GWh. This is the highest export value in history.

Annual evolution of scheduled international electricity exchanges


In 2022, the monthly net balance of the exchange schedules in the interconnections of the Spanish electricity system as a whole was an exporter in all months of the year. The minimum net exporter balance was 460 GWh in February. The maximum net exporter balance for 2022 was recorded in September at 2,895 GWh. The export nature of the France-Spain interconnection increased in the second half of the year due to several factors, such as the high rate of unavailability of the nuclear fleet in France and the general increase in gas prices in Europe, mitigated in the Iberian Peninsula by the entry into force of RD-l 10/2022 on June 15. In August, the price of gas once again hit record highs, causing wholesale prices on European markets to once again set new peaks, while those in Spain and Portugal, due to the Iberian exception, were much lower, which meant that the balance of exchanges with France was an exporter balance.

Monthly evolution of international scheduled exchanges in 2022


International scheduled electricity exchanges by interconnection 2022


Intercambios internacionales de energía eléctrica programados por interconexión 2022 (GWh)

International scheduled electricity exchanges by transaction type and by interconnection

GWh - %

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