Morocco and Andorra
Information based on provisional data as of January 2023
The balance of scheduled exchanges with Morocco is once again an exporter, with a value of 1,438 GWh, compared to 182 GWh as an importer last year. The months of January and March have a net importer balance, while the rest of the months have a net exporter balance. The total volume of energy exchanged was 2,008 GWh, almost triple that of last year but far from the all-time maximum volume recorded in 2014 (5,835 GWh).
Exchange capacity and net balance of scheduled exchanges in the interconnection with Morocco
The average utilisation of the capacity of this interconnection has changed compared to last year, being 50 % in the export direction, lower than the 14 % of the previous year, while in the import direction it was 13 %, higher than the 24 % for the year 2021. This year, the interconnection was used 63 % of the time, compared to 38 % last year.
The average two-way utilisation of the interconnection flow in 2022 was 43.9 %, while the average two-way utilisation in 2021 was 13.9 %. If only scheduled days are taken into account, the average utilisation rate in 2021 was 73.3 %, down from 36.5 % in 2021.
In 2022, the interconnection was not congested in any hour in the import direction, while in the export direction it was congested for 82 hours between June and December, coinciding with the months in which the gas price cap was in force, reaching the maximum hours of congestion in September and October (25 and 22 hours, respectively).
The reductions in exchange capacity in this interconnection were due to the unavailability of one of the two links that compose this interconnection or of a feeder line. Since June, export capacity has been cancelled for 10 % of the hours. It has been reduced to 400 MW in both directions during 6 % of the hours.
This year, more energy is again scheduled in the day-ahead market (67.2 %) than in the intraday market, a situation that had not occurred since before 2018.
The scheduled balance in the interconnection with Andorra has been an exporter, with a value of 286 GWh, which represents an increase of 26.9 % compared to 2021. The average use of capacity in the export direction was 26.8 %, compared to 20.8 % last year.
Exchange capacity and net balance of scheduled exchanges in the interconnection with Andorra
Monthly invoicing for access tolls to the Moroccan interconnection recorded a total income of 11.2 million euros, almost triple the value of the previous year, while access tolls to the Andorran interconnection recorded a total income of 1.7 million euros, 5.7 % higher than the figures for the previous year.
Access tolls in Morocco and Andorra
€ Million
(↑1% r/ same period in previous year).